We build with passion.
And on experience.
It is the pursuit of perfection that leads to the highest quality. The desire for something new that inspires creativity. The sense for visions that opens up new living spaces. The love of the region, which leads to responsible action. And the closeness to people that creates special values. Welcome to the Streletzki Group!
Current projects

In Altglienicke in direkter Nachbarschaft zu unserem Projekt Zaunkönige entsteht unser neuestes Wohnbauprojekt Grünfinken. Insgesamt 43 Wohnungen mit zwei bis fünf Zimmern aufgeteilt auf zwei Stadthäuser.
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AXIS Offices
In zentraler Lage entsteht am Bahnhof Ostkreuz und direkt an der Rummelsburger Bucht das Büro- und Gewerbeprojekt AXIS Offices.
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The Zaunkönige residential ensemble consists of eight urban villas. These include a total of 144 flats, each with two to five rooms and an area of between 56 m² and 122 m². The exterior of the urban villas has a classically modern design.
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